This class is for children 8 to 16 years of age. It focuses on "gun proofing" children by instructing them in fundamental firearms safety, how to identify different guns they may encounter, and what to do if they find a gun or if their friends produce a gun unexpectedly. Children will shoot 5 rounds of simulated ammunition (Simunition) and take a Firearms Safety Pledge at the end of class. Each child in attendance will receive a copy of the Safety Pledge signed by FRC's Chief Instructor.
This class is offered once a month, and it is offered at no charge as a service to the community. Seats are limited to the first 20 children registered.
Topics covered include:
- Commonly Encountered Firearms and Different Action Types
- Basic Firearm Nomenclature
- Basic Ammunition Knowledge
- The 4 Universal Firearms Safety Rules
- Firearms Security in the Home
- Safes, Locks, and Vaults
- The Similarities Between Many Modern Toys and Actual Firearms
- What to do Upon Finding an Unsecured or Unattended Firearm
- Dealing with Peer Pressure
- Simulated Live Fire with Simunitions Ammunition
- The Children’s Firearm Safety Pledge
Class length: 2 Hours
What to bring: All class materials will be provided.